
Okra in 2021

2021, still a disaster year. Mankind is experiencing an terrible virus catastrophe. But the farm is so happy on this year.

The okra was sown in mid-April, and there was no progress until the end of April, when it rained, it sprouted, and some weeds sprouted along with it. In this photo, the big round leaf in the middle is okra. The big cross in the lower right corner is beggarticks. The small cross in the middle is spiderflower. The small round leaves on the right are mimosa. Various weeds sprout from the soil with their respective missions.

The seeds of okra are bred by ourselves. Ten years ago, women of the tribe planted these okra on a land called Kaliawan. For the next three years, okra was itself reproduced on the same land every year. I saw their mission to survive, so I collected the seeds and started planting.

At the beginning, okras were not planted well, a little bite by pests killed the plant. At that time, although no pesticide was used, the ecological environment was not established. So as long as they are bitten by aphids, they will infect the plants and make them sick to death.

Look at the okra of this photo, although it is surrounded by weeds and has several wormholes in its leaves, it can grow healthily. It is because five years ago, we started to grow herbs and try to keep the diversity of soil. Let a variety of weeds grow together, and then generations of okra have adapted to the environment. Gradually, the plants are getting stronger and stronger, and they taste heavenly delicious. Take a closer look, the weeds in the photo include beggarticks, spiderflower, sour grass, niruri, and small morning glory. In a diverse environment, microorganisms and insects live together, forming an ecosystem that makes plants healthy.

I like to ask old farmers questions because they can pass on experience; but they always think that I don't grow well, and every old farmer disagree my way of planting. I think because of the new age is coming , the definition of "good" is changing, so I won't argue with them too much.

The okra garden in the photo was taken at the end of May. It is crazily growing with weeds, but it is full of vitality.

I like to observe insects. The spiderflower under the okra has blossomed and bear fruit. The wild bees shuttled among them, humming endlessly. Please take a closer look. The beggarticks leaf on the upper right side of the photo has also been eaten with a hole, and there are white spots on the leaf. It should be bitten by flee beetles. In fact, weeds are also eaten by insects, but they grow up healthily without any problem. This is the goal we are pursuing.

Our okra is bred by ourselves. It adapts to the environment where weeds grow. It is fruity and very delicious. Many friends feel that it does not taste like traditional okra after they tried it. Such things that are good for the environment and good for mankind need everyone's support.

The okra is going to available in July. If you want to order, please follow me closely and add Line ID: 0930710512

Finally, a previous article is attached for your reference:

2018 natural farming method okra is open for order